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Chelsea has been working seasonally at a local farm stand for the last seven years. Freshly out of college, she's back at The Farm for another year.

18 May 2009

Chilly Weather

Back Again!

I got to work in a funky mood this afternoon due to stress and whatnot of life. After a while I decided to clean petunia hangers outside and listen to Mark and Tony chitchat. Oh my god did I laugh... well on the inside, I'm not a big laugher, but I was smiling for sure. There they were, just two middle-aged men goofing around and laughing at one another... nothing but contagious let me tell you. Soon enough my cranky mood was alleviated.

Tonight there is an expected frost - the last of the season we hope. Since it was a slow night, customer-wise, I got to help the boys (aka my bosses and other coworkers) cover all the plants outside: roses, perennials, herbs, etc. The greenhouses are also closed up. This kind of thing, protecting for an impending frost, annoys one of my bosses a great deal because of the monotonous bringing things in/out and the covering/uncovering. But the couple of the hours of aggravation saves us thousands in plants. We can't have our whole business freezing!

I had to keep the stand open until our normal hours "in case a team comes," for ice-cream that is. I had one little boy dressed in a baseball uniform run in for a Moosetracks cone and that was it. But he was so cute! I'm always impressed when little kids are so polite when ordering ice-cream or whatever and I try to remember to tell their parents so. I imagine that they feel a bit of pride when someone recognizes their hard work. 'Please' and 'thank you' go a llloooonnnggg way.

So many of our plants are looking fabulous now. We're getting our cemetery logs out tomorrow, just in time for Memorial Day. I know a lot of my customers have been asking about them. The log boxes are nice, especially when Mrs decorates them. Oh the compliments I get on how nice everything looks. I wish I could share the credit, but really everything happens across the street in the "Employees Only" greenhouses. You could say I'm more in the maintenance department of the decorated pots - just keeping them clean and watered and presentable.


Once I get settled in to my home after graduation, I'll unpack my camera and try to get some pictures up on this blog so I can actually share my work with you all. The sunsets are so pretty and I can't wait to get some pictures here.

Tomorrow's weather has a High of 74 and a Nightly Low of 47.

Remember to cover your plants tonight!!

See you again,

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